Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Generating Ideas:

The first time we shot our opening title sequence, we had put together a story about a 15 year old girl called Cassie. It showed her getting ready for school in the morning. From the setting of the girls room, we can tell that she is quite girlie, but not over girlie. From her clothes, we can tell that she is cool and laid back; she throws on jeans, a t shirt and ballet pumps. In our film, we portray the girl as laid back and popular. This we can tell through her clothes, room style and the music which she plays. The girl is called Cassie, although the audience are not told this. She lives in the suburbs of London, in a middle-class, average home, which can be seen in the establishing shot.

When we looked at our footage of what we had filmed, we realised that there were many faults with it. These issues included problems with lighting and continuity, sound was muffled and we had broken the 180 degree rule. We decided that it would be best to create a new title sequence, reshoot and edit it.

We took our inspiration from films such as 'Legally Blonde' and 'Pretty in Pink' and decided to create a montage sequence of a girl getting ready. We called our film 'Chasing Daisy.'

We decided to change the story and made it about a slightly older girl than Cassie and named her Daisy. By looking at the way Daisy dresses, her make-up and the state of her room, it is clear to see that Daisy is quite a rebellious teenager. The opening title sequence shows Daisy getting up late in the afternoon and this is made clearer when we see that she opens her front door to her friends and it is dark outside. As she is getting ready, the shot cuts to one of her two friends waiting for her. It is clear that Daisy has been asleep for most of the day and is preparing to go out.

During the filming process, Ellie and Kate took on the role of directing and filming the sequence together with Ellie making an appearence in the film. I acted in the film.

During the editing process, I took on the role of editing the film together, Ellie took on the role of creating the titles and Kate took on the role of creating the music on Garageband.

Though it took us another two times to get out final footage for 'Chasing Daisy' we learned from our mistakes each time and managed to create our final product.

Shot List for 'Chasing Daisy.'

Storyboard for 'Chasing Daisy' shown as an animatic:

chasing d animatic small

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