Monday, May 3, 2010

Final Written Evaluation of Chasing Daisy

As a group, we decided to watch our opening title sequence one more time and decide if we could improve it. We found this to be true and decided to re film one more time. Luckily, we had left enough time to re film and though it was the fourth time, we learnt from our mistakes and managed to make this final opening sequence of 'Chasing Daisy' the best it could be.

We decided to keep the storyline the same but changed the location and the characters in the sequence. Instead of the two friends, we have Daisy's older brother Jason having a conversation with her. This means that we could also include the 180 degree rule and shot reverse shot in the sequence.

In this final time of filming we managed to correct all our lighting and continuity issues that we had come across during the filming of our previous footage.

We also had to change the sequence of the music as we had to extend it now that we re filmed. Our final opening title sequence is 2 minutes and 30 seconds long.

As a group, we worked had, learnt from out mistakes, re filmed as many times as we had too and put all our efforts into creating the opening title sequence for 'Chasing Daisy.'

Our roles in creating 'Chasing Daisy' stayed the same as outlined in one of the posts below.

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